When having a Rottweiler puppy

Puppy or an adult dog?

As a rule, Rottweiler puppies are taken from a breeder when they are 8-10-12 weeks old. Then you can get acquainted with brief description of main characteristics of Rottweiler puppy during these age periods. The puppies at the age of 8 weeks old are known to be already more or less independent, self-determined; they are not so much attached to their mother as before in first weeks of their life and generally speaking do not need her care anymore.

Eight weeks age is an optimal age of Rottweiler when you can buy the puppy from a breeder however in this case it is necessary to consider one more detail: insufficient adaptiveness of the dog of this age to relationship with its fellows. The puppy is not still the same confident as older Rottweiler when dealing with other dogs.

Nevertheless Rottweiler puppies are more often bought from a breeder just at the age of 8 weeks old. In this case it is strongly recommended that the puppy should meet its co-brothers as often as possible even participate in playing with the dogs of about the same age.

Lack of communication between young dogs may be supplied for example, if making acquaintance with their owners who bought Rottweiler puppies of approximately the same age in this very Kennel. If you start ignoring the necessity of due social adaptation of Rottweiler puppy, it may give occasion to a number of unpleasant situations in future.
It is quite enough room in Kennel for Rottweiler puppy to play with congeners

Unquestioning advantage of getting 8-weeks old Rottweiler puppy is a change of environmental conditions that is favorable for the dog’s development. Indeed, getting into new environment, new house; observing unfamiliar people, the puppy gets so many various impressions!

But if you decide to purchase Rottweiler puppy when it is already 10-12 weeks old then you may be sure that young Rottweiler already has fair number of social experience got in company of its brothers and sisters. Accommodation of such puppy to its congeners in new medium will go more tranquilly and peacefully.

There is just a situation left when Rottweiler puppy lives in Kennel more than 16 weeks. Purchase of such dog can be compared with getting of young but already matured dog from another owner and it is will be much more difficult for such dog to get accustomed to new environment.

Rottweilers taken from Kennel custody, when they are 16 weeks old and older, do not accommodate themselves to their owners as soon as younger dogs. This may account for longer lack of communication with people, dominant position of older dogs that live in this very Kennel and also some other reasons.

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