Custom leather dog collar of stunning design-Decorated high quality dog collar
Take appropriate care of your pet-choose good equipment for his training and walking. Educating Rottweiler with help of relevant gear is a way to training progress. We understand what every dog breed needs to wear to be a success in education and upbringing. Now you will know about distinguished dog equipment produced within the walls of our manufacturing laboratory. We make every our product manually. Only this way of manufacturing may guarantee excellent quality and long life of the product to be made.
Be kind of considering another piece of equipment which we are happy to offer you today. It is a Well-Made Unique Dog Accessory–Quite Suitable For Different Goals-Extra Ordinary Dog Collar Ornamented With Gold Colored Spikes. In this collar your dog will most famous canine-fashionist. Our professionalism and long-term experience help us to create masterpieces. Even the same dog accessory may look differently on every dog even if the dog is one and the same dog breed.
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Amazing leather dog collar is newest on the market!
Best leather dog collar is made out of superb stuff!
Key features of this Rottweiler Dog Collar: - Genuine full grain leather
- Extremely wide
- Exceptional exterior
- Beautuful BRASS spikes installed in 5 rows
- Reliable buckle and D-ring
- Increased durability
- Comfortable
- Convenient and handy
| Intended use of this Rottweiler Dog Collar: - Light dog training
- Walking in style
- Easier communication with your dog
- Dog protection
Sizes available: | Available colors: - Black
- Brown
- Tan (natural color)
How to measure your Rottweiler Dog for good fit Collar:
Please be advised that:
- For buckle collar when you specify neck size we will make collar fit on central hole.
- There will be total of 5 holes and distance between each 2 holes is 1 inch (25 mm).
- For example: your dogs neck size is 20 inches (50 cm). Collar will fit on central hole at 20 inches (50 cm).
- There will be 2 smaller size holes - 18 inch (45 cm) and 19 inch (47.5 cm).
- There will be 2 bigger size holes - 21 inch (52.5 cm) and 22 inch (55 cm).
- There will also be tip of the collar after last hole about 2 inch long (5 cm).
- Those are handcrafted collars and some sizes will differ a little (not in significant way).
- 2 ply leather collars and padded leather collars are 1 inch bigger to make sure that it will fit your dog.
This dog collar has plenty of advantages which are impossible to list within the space of this online page. We will wait until you find them on your own and tell us about your impressions! We wanna hear from you soon. You may find us in live chat or through telephone communication, or emails.
Made of 100 % unique leather-best natural material-full grain softest leather which durability is high. Wearing such a collar no dog will be uncomfortable. The leather feels soft and gentle. This is thickest type of leather, it means that its breaking strength is extreme. Full grain leather is most suitable for wear as it is characterized by safety and comfort. With time it becomes only better. Due care for the leather is required. This will help you to extend service life of this excellent gear and preserve its rick look.
Hardware to be used for its finish is top notch. We cared not only for choosing best leather for the collar but also fitting it up in the best way possible. Why we chose brass? The answer is obvious. Our leather training collar has decorative golden color. It is not difficult to confuse it with gold. Let others think that you could afford to buy golden accessory for your darling-Rottweiler dog! It is nonmagnetic alloy so it will not draw any metal parts. And, of course, brass is corrosion resistant!!! In addition, brass is very strong metal.
We did not forget about your dog’s comfort when creating this amazing collar. The genuine leather dog collar is meant for everyday use. If having the collar of this width on each dog will not suffer from skin rubbing or skin irritation. The collar excellently follows Rottweiler's body contours as it was developed for this particular dog breed. Your dog will enjoy wearing this collar as it will not trouble him at all. The collar has smooth surfaces and rounded edges.
Take a Look at the Collar in 3D