Habitus of puppy is very important. Specialists often recommend
choosing puppies of Rottweiler with dark tan of their coat. It is
largely due to better health of these puppies, they are less
susceptible to infection and other diseases. When choosing
Rottweiler puppy you should consider that hair of Rottweiler’s
puppies tends to whiten after first shedding but if an infant
puppy has whitish tan then its hair will more whitish in future.
If the Rottweiler puppy that you are going to buy is already 12-13
weeks old then its head proportions are to be almost similar to
head proportions of adult Rottweiler. Starting from 16-week old
age and older their heads are almost of the same size.
When choosing Rottweiler puppy you may use proportion
determination method. First of all you should conceptually
construct a square the lower border of which will pass through the
lobe of the puppy’s nose but the upper line will cut the junction
line from the frontal line to the muzzle. At that one should pay
attention to the muzzle-it must be rather wide than oblongish,
Then you should conceptually draw another square: the lower line
is to be in agreement with the junction line from the frontal part
to the muzzle, but the upper line is to pass along the cervical
line. Given that the proportions are optimum you will have a
Then you should construct two squares and the lower border of the
first one will pass through the bottom line of the lower jaw, but
the upper line will pass through the junction line from the
frontal part to the puppy’s muzzle. The lower border of the other
square is to align with the line transiting from the frontal part
to the muzzle, but the upper one is to pass along the bulge of
Rottweiler puppy’s forehead.
The muzzle will have regular proportions in that case if the
height of the first square will a little more than that of the
second’s. Then you should draw an imaginary line along the dog’s
skull and then another line along the upper part of the muzzle. If
both the lines are almost parallel to each other it means that the
proportion is fulfilled in this case.
Qualification of proportions of Rottweiler’s head
When choosing Rottweiler puppy one should turn attention to the
curve of the upper jaw; the weaker it is defined the better. The
muzzle of such Rottweiler in proportion to its growth will look
rather wide than oblongish.