Historical information about Rottweilers. Continuance

Large dog breeds used during religious ceremonial observances are mentioned in ancient legends of Egyptian deities Osirian and Aset. In addition, the statues of such animals were frequently used for decorating of luxurious palaces of Egyptian pharaohs.
Molosser dogs received special recognition from ancient Persians who thought these animals a symbol of wealth, prosperity and authority. Old Persian scientists and philosophers, including Zoroaster,  saw fine ability to study in these dogs, but Ancient Romans  put value upon well-developed fighting qualities of these dogs, their bravery, but as well as hard musculature and strong powerful skeleton: body composition of molossers preferably set them apart from other dogs and made them surely be superior in strength and rate of speed.
Molosser dogs, also known as Epirus ones, were used by Babylonians and Assyrians mainly for safe-keeping of dwellings and big-game hunting. It was a popular belief In Assyria that earthen small sculptures, representing mastiff similar dogs and which were placed at the entrance of the house, have a big magical power at that protecting the house from fiends.
According to the testimony of historians, Molosser dogs appeared in the territory of ancient Rome in 1 st century A.D., when troops under a leadership of Claudius August were moving on one of the ways leading to Europe.  Roman legion participated in lasting military operations in the territory of Europe, Northern Africa and Asia Minor and in order to provide sufficient amount of food, legionaries took along cows, goats which followed an army moving to the sites of the battles .

Large mastifflike dogs, having wonderful patrol qualities, as a rule, were used for convoying and guarding of cattle.

When military trek was almost over, the livestock of caws and goats driven next to the troops were reduced and consequently there was no necessity for big number of dogs anymore. Thus, a considerable percentage of dogs belonging to the legionaries were given to inhabitants of that region which they passed, and molosses were gradually spreading over both farm settlements and cities. Period of this “housing” of mastiff-type representatives lasted for several centuries.
...to be continued...

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