Rottweiler Standard. History. Articles about Rottweiler. Part 1
Breed Standard of Rottweiler
Rottweiler is one of the oldest dog breeds. Its origin throws far back to the history of Roman Empire. Since the old days forefathers of these dogs helped to pasture and drive cattle for great distances.
Rottweiler. Breed Standard. - READ MORE!
General Appearance
Ideal Rottweiler is a medium large, robust and powerful dog, black with clearly outlined rust markings. This dog is neither heavy, not light, neither on the leg, nor lympathic.
Rottweiler.General Appearance. - READ MORE!
Historical information about Rottweilers
Descendants of present- day Rottweilers came into people’s prominence 4 centuries ago approximately. These brave and determined dogs performed different functions; however, their main task lay in guarding and escorting.
Rottweiler. History. - READ MORE!
Molosser Dogs
Molosser dogs received special recognition from ancient Persians who thought these animals a symbol of wealth, prosperity and authority. Old Persian scientists and philosophers...
Rottweiler. Molosser Dogs - READ MORE!
Evolution of the breed in the Middle Ages
Rottweiler is one of the oldest dog breeds. Its origin throws far back to the history of Roman Empire. Since the old days forefathers of these dogs helped to pasture and drive cattle for great distances. They came to Europe from mountain valleys through the Alps together with Roman legions.
Rottweiler. Evolution of the breed - READ MORE!
Temperament and habits of Rottweiler
Rottweilers usually have strong, stable nervous system, resistant to exogenous irritants, and that considerably facilitates work of a trainer when he teaches the dog.
Characterictics of Rottweiler's behaviour - READ MORE!