Stainless Steel Neck Tech Prong Dog Collar for Rottweiler
Looking for an ideal training dog accessory? Want to correct behavior of Rottweiler without harming him? Pay attention to the perfect canine supply - Neck Tech Prong collar by Herm Sprenger. It is a revolutionary prong collar with a great design that enhances not only the functioning of the prong collar, but also gives it a fashion and ultra discreet appearance.
This NECK TECH STAINLESS STEEL Dog Pinch Collar by Herm Sprenger features the classic Herm Sprenger martingale chain assembly coupled with a quick release snap hook for better action when giving a behavior correction.
Herm Sprenger Neck-Tech dog force (pinch) collars are made in Germany of the finest quality stainless steel. Each detail is stamped from solid coiled steel stock. Neck-Tech Pinch Collars are granted 100% rust-resistant. Designed for use with all dog breeds, including both short and long haired dogs. Herm Sprenger Neck Tech tines are meant to imitate the shape of dog's teeth, producing a "natural influence" over the canine. Perfect for teaching heel, sit, stay, whoa, etc. Proper fit is achieved by adding or removing links. Just snap them in or out.
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Neck Tech Prong Dog Collar with Excellent Breaking Load for Rottweiler
Key features of this Rottweiler Metal Prong Collar: - Stainless steel
- Superior breaking load
- 7.6 oz (215 g) in weight
- Snap hook with a swivel for better handling
- Two O-rings for leash connection
- Removable metal links
- Metal HS quality label
- Resistant to rust and corrosion
- Stylish appearance
| Intended use of this Rottweiler Prong Collar: - Behavior correction
- Dog training
- Walking
- Dog control
Dimensions available: - 19 inch (48 cm) in length
| Material: |
Neck Tech Collars can be of different sizes, which depend on the length and the width of the collar. The hs sprenger neck tech you see on the picture is 48 cm (19 inch) in length and about 7.6 oz (215 g) in weight.
Links for all models of neck tech collars can be added or removed using needle nose pliers only.
Click on the picture to see bigger image
Rottweiler Collar Prong Neck Tech Made of Stainless Steelr
This Neck-Tech collar with snap-hook release is made of stainless steel
guaranteed never to rust. The snap hook is used for easy removal of the collar. Each element (link) is made of stainless steel stamped of solid coiled stock. This neck tech collar is designed to replicate dog’s teeth for a natural influence on the dog’s neck.
Pleasant for long and short hair breeds.
You can also order nylon removable protector for this pinch collar.
The utilities of the item are as follows: - Reduces contact with water
- Protects against excessive light reflection
- Collar makes less noise
- Does not look like pinch collar - looks like ordinary collar
That is why we recommend you this particular collar if you:
- want to train your dog quickly, effectively and harmlessly
- need to make the dog obedient to your orders
- have a big dog and you don't have enough strength to control it with a choke chain
It is better to follow these rules:
- Never leave your dog unattended when training him in Pinch Collar as it may catch on something and injure itself.
- Be extremely careful when choosing the size of the collar; it must be of the perfect size. Otherwise, it will hang down of the dog's neck or, on the contrary, will cause problems with breathing.
Feedback from Rottweiler Owner
Hello Guy, As requested I have sent 4 photo's of My puppy Rottie (10 months old), wearing the prong collar (note I removed the black cover) to show the collar it's self. Sorry photo's ain't better, Wifey was trying to hold/control the dog while I snapped the photo's. Feel free to chop, cut, alter the photo's as you wish. And re-arrange your word layout as you wish.
Look forward to dealing with you again soon
Add or remove links to make collar smaller or bigger so it fits your dog perfect!

HS Neck-Tech Martingale Pinch Training Rottweiler Collar
You can order also Pinch Neck Tech Dog Collar which is 24 inch (60 cm) in length.