Body length of Rottweiler is the distance from the breast bone to
the ischial tuberosity. Ideally the length of Rottweiler’s body
must be only 15 % more than the height of the dog at the withers.
As a rule, body length of big Rottweiler is 73-76 cm-in males and
69-71–in bitches. The height at the withers is the distance from
the top of the withers to the ground level (the measurement is
made vertically).
The height at withers is 61-68 cm in Rottweilers- males and 56-63
in Rottweilers-females. Optimal height of the males is 65-66 cm,
but that of the bitches is 60-61 cm. Ideal weight of adult
Rottweiler is 50 kg for males and 42 kg for females. The value of
the chest circumference corresponds to quantity of the line drawn
at a tangent to outside angle of the shoulder blades.
When measuring the chest circumference it needs to add 20 cm to
the value of withers height of Rottweiler. The result is slightly
more in the males than in the females. Depth of the chest is
measured from top of the withers to the base of the breastbone at
a tangent to back angle of the shoulder blade (the measurement
line must be strictly vertical).
Ideally the value of the chest depth is not to be far more or less
than 50% of the withers height of Rottweiler. The chest depth of
big Rottweilers is 93-95 cm (in males) and 85-90 (in females). The
width of Rottweiler’s chest is the distance between the most
protruding rib points in the area of shoulder blades.
The width of chest in big Rottweiler is 33-34 cm (in males) and
31-32 cm 9 in females). The width of ribs is the value to be
measured in the line connecting the most protruding points of
short ribs. Short ribs are the ribs that do not join the chest
directly. Width of the ribs in big Rottweilers is 30-31 cm (in
males) and 27-29 cm (in bitches).
Evaluation of Rottweiler’s body proportions:
1 –length of corpus;
2 –withers height of Rottweiler;
3 –depth of chest;
4 –width of chest;
5 – width